This picture was taken during the summer of 1997, that’s me standing in the center, to the left is a cone tank standing in an X braced frame work. In the center foreground is a brick building with a flat roof, with more framing and piping on top. During the first week in January, 1997 the steel construction company I worked for arrived here, to this alfalfa processing mill near Cozad Nebraska. The first 2 days were spent removing all the old equipment from the roof of the brick building and throwing it off the roof to the concrete below.
On the third day I was told to climb the X bracing on the cone’s frame and cut a pipe free so it could be removed. While climbing the X braces with the cutting torch and struggling with heavy, bulky, winter clothing, I lost my grip on the cone-frame and began to fall to my death on the junk we had thrown off the roof for 2 days before. I screamed out, “God Help Me” as I fell, instantly in mid air something soft grabbed my body and I stopped falling! It was not a hard stop, or a stop with a jolt, I just stopped falling! My foot was instantly on something solid where nothing had been before, and my flailing arms caught an up-right beam. I struck the beam with my right wrist so hard, I know I cracked the bones in my wrist, but I was alive! It was a “freak” time, as 3 other employees were all working somewhere else, and no one saw my near fatal ordeal. Had I continued my fall, I would certainly have died landing on the sharp junk and concrete below.
I wasted no time and began to thank and Praise my God and Savior Jesus Christ for saving my life and delivering me from the jaws of death. I had been living the rough life of working and living on the road, away from home and my wife and kids. I was slowly slipping away from God, but God had other plans for me and would not let me go, literally rescuing me and saving my life! When I arrived home the following weekend, I gathered my wife and 4 kids around the kitchen table and repeated all that had happened and my near death. I began to tell them how we as a family were going to make changes and put God back into the center of our lives. You see, we had stopped striving after God, we had settled into a boring existence, in a boring church, where God was not allowed to be extraordinary, and no one could believe God to do the miraculous, like saving someone from falling to their death! We began to attend a church 80 miles way because we needed a special touch from God and I was serious about finding Him.
So many things have changed in my life since that day I nearly died. Now I try to live every day to it’s fullest, and I praise God and thank Him for every day He gives me. When I made Jesus Christ the “Lord of my life” and asked Him to forgive my sins, He gave me a “new life”, this was the “Sharp Decision” in my life. What about you? Have you made a sharp decision for your future? Have you let Jesus become the Lord of your life yet? Why not? What are you waiting for? I got another chance, but you may not! People of all ages die every day, so many die and enter an eternity in hell. Will you be another one? Or will you accept the payment Jesus made for your sin so you can live with Him in heaven? Jesus promised us eternal life with Him if we place our trust in Him. Here is how you do it, just pray this prayer: “Jesus, I believe you died for my sin, please forgive me of my sins, I’m sorry, Please come into my heart and change me. I want the new life in you that you promised. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, and make me a new creation as you said in the Bible you would. Thank you Lord Jesus! Amen...
That’s it! If you were serious, Jesus will be serious with you! Now don’t stop here, find a good church where Jesus is lifted up and learn about this new life by reading an easy to read copy of the “New Testament” Bible, you will be “Blessed!” If you prayed this prayer and asked Jesus to forgive you, I would like to know about it! Please contact me through the web site e-mail so I can rejoice with you about your sharp decision to follow Jesus.
My knife making is a direct gifting from God. He got me started, helped me meet the right people who have helped me along. By His Holy Spirit 2 years before I ever made a knife, He told me: “Great people are waiting to help you, and you don’t even know them yet!” God continues to help and guide me along, teaching me how to do certain things and gives me ideas how to do new cool stuff. How? I just ask Him! I say, “Lord Jesus, help me figure this out, give me a new cool idea”, then I just keep working and soon, there it is, my answer! What a mighty, loving, wonderful God who loves us so much we have on our side! Thank you so much for spending time here at Sharp Decision knives! God Bless you!
Jon P. Moore